
Sailing is an exciting and thrilling way to spend your time, allowing you to embark on wonderful adventures on the water. If you’re a beginner sailor and want to learn how to sail, it’s worth considering the services of a professional sailing school. Choosing the right school is crucial for your development as a sailor. In this article, we will provide a practical guide to help you make the right choice and find a good sailing school.

Define Your Goals and Expectations

The first step before choosing a sailing school is to define your goals and expectations. Consider what you want to learn from sailing: whether you plan to sail recreationally or if you want to obtain proper qualifications and certifications. Also, determine your level of experience and knowledge of sailing. This will help you choose the right course and school that will meet your needs

Check the Reputation and Experience of the School

Once you’ve defined your goals, it’s time to start looking for reputable sailing schools. Check reviews and ratings from other students who have attended the school. Pay attention to the instructors’ experience and qualifications. The sailing school should be properly licensed and have the necessary certifications that confirm the quality and teaching standards.

Review the Course Offerings

Each sailing school offers different courses tailored to different skill levels and students’ goals. Take a close look at the course offerings and check if the school provides courses that match your needs. Make sure there are courses available for beginners, advanced sailors, as well as specialized courses if you have specific interests, such as offshore sailing or racing.

Infrastructure and Fleet of the School

An important factor in choosing a sailing school is also the infrastructure and fleet it possesses. Check if the school has well-equipped boats and yachts that are in good technical condition. Familiarize yourself with the training facilities, such as the classroom, sanitary facilities, and other amenities that may affect your comfort during your stay.

Practical Training and Theory

A good sailing school should offer both theoretical and practical lessons. Theory will help you understand the basic concepts and principles of sailing, while practical training will allow you to gain hands-on skills. Ensure that the school offers a suitable balance between theoretical and practical classes so that you can acquire comprehensive knowledge and experience.

Costs and Location

Before making a decision, it’s worth comparing the costs of courses in different schools. Remember that the cheapest offer is not always the best. Pay attention to what is included in the course price, whether it’s just the lessons or also accommodation and meals. Additionally, consider the location of the school and its accessibility. Is the training location easily accessible, and does the location offer good sailing conditions?


Choosing a good sailing school is crucial for your development as a sailor. With the right approach and considering the above guidelines, you will be able to find a school that meets your expectations. Remember that sailing is not just about learning but also about passion and adventure. By choosing a good sailing school, you’ll gain not only knowledge and skills but also unforgettable experiences on the water.

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