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For MarinaOperators
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Save your time

Know which marina is reachable each day and has spot for you.

Save your money

Know cost of marines before the trip. Don't overpay on last minute arrival.

Lower the risk

Avoid the stress and uncertainty of your next stopover. Be certain there is a berth waiting for you every evening.

Increase your fun

Plan your trip in advance. Focus more on sailing less on managing.

For Skippers

Find, book and navigate to your favorite marina!

Find your marina

Use our interactive map with more than 3000 marinas to find best place to visit. See the berth's availability, local attractions, extras at the marine and many other.

Book a berth for today

Based on your location, yacht and weather conditions we will find marinas, that you can reach today. Check berth's availability for this evening and book your spot now!

Plot optimal route

We will guide you with the optimal route to the chosen marina. Our weather routing navigation module plot best route based on water restrictions, weather conditions and yacht type.

Check attractions nearby

Looking for good time in marina's hood? Check all attractions waiting for you in the marina description. If you need inland accommodation check our offer within the app!

Check out our marinas

Marinas which you can find in our app

For Marina Operators

Manage and develop your marina. Increase your income, plan in advance!

Manage your berths

Our tool allows you managing your marina in a more efficient way. Create berths with different pricing strategy. Deffer them by size, yacht type and available facilities. All that depending on the time of the season.

Increase occupancy

Use our berth's marketplace - new selling channel. By using our tool become a part of a global community and allow thousands of sailors to find you marina in advance!

Sell in advance

Thanks to us, you will allow skippers to book your marina in advance. Decide when your season is open, change prices for every day. Have an advantage of planning!

Control your cashflow

Thanks to our solution you can plan your marina's occupancy far far in the future. Get paid on reservation date, setup your own return policy, increase your income!

Marine Operator Contact Form

If you are interested in our marina management tool and you would like to join our community, let us know! We will answer all your questions and will quickly contact you to setup a meeting!

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